Join the Grade 12 Google classroom for info on Graduation, Post Secondary, Transcripts and Scholarships HERE.
Graduation Requirements and Participation in the Cap and Gown Ceremony: In order to participate in the Graduation Ceremony (Cap and Gown) a student must have received credit for all compulsory classes and have the minimum required credits determined by the Ministry of Education. A student who has not completed these requirements in June but will complete them in the following semester may elect to have their composite photo taken with this graduation class and attend Prom. If a student needs more than one semester to meet the graduation requirements it is more appropriate that they participate in next years graduation proceedings. Need to request an official transcript from the Ministry of Education? Click here: Sask Ministry of Education Transcript Requests
GRADUATION CEREMONY: The 2025 Graduation Ceremony will be held on June 26th. The ceremony starts promptly at 1:00p.m. at the Conexus Arts Centre.
Each TAG will be called in order. The first row of seating will be left empty to allow for family or friends to take pictures of grads when your student's TAG is called. We ask that all picture takers return to their original seats immediately after and that they keep the centre aisle clear at all times. There is not limit as to guests who attend the Cap and Gown ceremony, hence no tickets are needed.
- This is a very special occasion and conduct should be exemplary. Graduates should not have their phone on your person during the Graduation ceremony.
- On the day of the ceremony, arrive at 12:20pm in your gown and cap. Wear the cap with the tassel on the right side, if necessary, use bobby pins to hold the cap in place. Write your name in your cap if you'd like it returned to you after the cap toss at the conclusion of the ceremony.
- A Knoll staff member will hand out the v-stoles at the Conexus.
- At 12:45 you will be assembled alphabetically by your TAG teacher and walked to the main stage to be seated.
- For the presentation of diplomas, the curtain will close and grads will assemble by TAG on stage right. Your name will be called by the emcee and you will cross the stage to receive your diploma your TAG teacher and then shake hands with the principal and vice principal. Pause for photographs then leave the stage returning to your seat behind the curtain.
- Please share information about awards and scholarships you are receiving with your TAG teacher, they may be mentioned at this time.
- At the conclusion of the presentation of diplomas the emcee will say a few finals words and then present you as the Graduating class of 2025. When the curtain reopens there will be a cap toss. Please attempt to throw your cap up in the air and catch again not out into the crowd of friends and family.
Gown Pick Up: Gowns and caps are yours to keep. Please take them for your scheduled photo session and keep care of them. You will need them for the Cap and Gown ceremony in June. Those who have not paid their grad fees for the year will not be given their gown until it is paid.When you have paid your fees, come to the office to pick up your package.
Cap and Gown Photos: Photo sessions are scheduled in February. You must book your photos through an EDGE IMAGING link that will be shared on Winston Knoll Grade 12 Edsby Group. If you are not buying a package, we would still like you to have a picture taken so that you are in the yearbook and on the composite.
Valedictorian: Grade 12 students may apply directly to the committee to give the address themselves. Once all applications have been received a Valedictorian committee comprised of teachers and admin will select a Valedictorian. The Valedictorian Speech is delivered at the Cap and Gown Ceremony. Dates to apply for Valedictorian will be posted on Winston Knoll Grade 12 Edsby Group.
Financial Commitments: Please note that at this time these costs are approximated and may change as information becomes available. ** $35.00 cash or cheque made out to Edge Imaging for Cap and Gown Photos in March $60.00 Cap and Gown fee will be collected in February/March. **Please don't let finances keep you from participating, contact the Main Office for financial assistance options.
Yearbook Grad Quote & Post Grad Plan - Please fill out forms in the Grade 12 Google Classroom. The form will be added in March.
RBE Email Accounts - Don't forget that your RBE account will be disabled by the end of June. Start cleaning out your documents. After finals in semester 2, please move all of your google documents to a different account. Click HERE to learn how.
Contact: Please contact our main office at 306-523-3400 if you have any questions.
Graduate Checklist
- Credit Counts and Graduation requirements discussed with TAG teacher
- Attend TAG and Grade level TAG Assemblies to stay informed
- Sit for Cap and Gown Class Composite Photo
- Consider applying for the Valedictorian Address
- Pay for your Cap and Gown fees
- Attend and celebrate